RJB Tax Associates

RJBTax.com is a feature-rich new site created by the web design team at Bluetone Media. You've never seen so many tax resources in one place, and easy to peruse to boot!
Many sites fall into the pit-fall of trying to implement flash features for simple UI stuff like toggling content and creating spiffy navigation elements. This can be unnecessarily burdensome for your server, and make your site load more slowly. RJB loads snappily and keeps things uncluttered, allowing you to find what you came for without making you want to pull your hair out.
Taxes can be a non-starter for many people, one of the reasons we need tax professionals like the folks at RJB to help us out from time to time. With that in mind we set a professional tone that was also approachable and relaxed. Contact info is very accessible allowing you to browse easily, pick up the phone and call a tax professional without skipping a beat.
Be sure and check it out on the web at http://www.rjbtax.com/ !