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Mother Hubbard's Cupboard

  BlueTone Media

Some Mother Hubbards are better than others...

So be really careful when picking your Mother Hubbards. Seriously! Your life may depend on it. There are two types of Mother Hubbards in the world: one selflessly helps the unfortunate, while the other makes a dog wear pantyhose.

You see, on one hand you have a fantastic hunger-fighting initiative based in Southeastern North Carolina which, using the force of hundreds of volunteers, labors to combat food shortages and malnutrition amongst underprivileged populations in Wilmington, NC. Established in 1985, this organization serves any and all locals in times of need. Aaaaand on the other hand, you have a Schizophrenic Psycho Woman who jumps through hoop after hoop to provide outrageously unnecessary goods and services for her probably dead dog (who, let's just say, is definitely dead by the end). Let's break it down, shall we?

    The good Mother Hubbard provides:

  • Quarterly food drives which collect food from grocery stores and through public donations
  • Emergency food services for individuals and families in need throughout the region
  • A 100% volunteer staff to keep donor-costs to a minimum and ensure maximum efficiency in allocating funds and resources
  • Collaboration with other non-profits for the overall betterment of those in need

The crazy Mother Hubbard provides:

  • A coffin (for her dog)
  • A beer (for her dog)
  • A hat (for her dog)
  • Shoes (for her dog)
  • Panty hose (for her dog)
  • A wig (for her dog)
  • A death monument?!?! (for her dog)

All the while this dangerous codger hallucinates that her dog is dancing, laughing, standing on his head, riding a goat, reading the newspaper, writing, and spinning around. Straight from the source:

This wonderful dog
Was Dame Hubbard's delight,
He could read, he could dance,
He could sing, he could write;
She gave him rich dainties
Whenever he fed,
And erected this monument
When he was dead.

Guhhhh. What a creep. Luckily, her knack for being totally bonkers isn't getting between The good Mother Hubbard and their mission of helping those in need. Check them out to see if you can help in any way; whether it be through monetary donations, food donations, or by simply volunteering a few hours a week, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard is grateful to have your assistance as they provide emergency food supplies to Wilmingtonians in need.

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