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How to Get Google Reviews for Your Business (FREE "Which Review Request Method is Best for You?" Quiz Inside!)

   By: Hayden Jarman

Let’s get real—if you’re running a business in 2024 and you’re not actively seeking Google reviews, you might as well be living under a rock.

Or worse, still using Yahoo as your search engine of choice. 🤨

Google reviews aren’t just a nice-to-have anymore; they’re the lifeblood of your business’s online reputation.

Whether you’re a mom-and-pop shop or a global empire, those little stars next to your business name are what people look at before deciding if you’re worth their time—or their money.

But here’s the kicker: Getting Google reviews isn’t just about begging your customers for a five-star rating. It’s about playing the long game, building trust, and making it easy for people to share their love for your business.

So, if you’re tired of your competitors outshining you on Google, stick around.

We’re about to dive deep into how to get those coveted Google reviews and make your business the star of the show.


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Table of Contents:

Why Google Reviews Are the Holy Grail of Local SEO

Let’s get one thing straight: Google reviews are like the lifeblood of your online presence.

You know how your mom always told you that first impressions matter? Well, in the digital age, that first impression is often formed by a glance at your Google reviews.

Potential customers don’t care how great your website looks or how much money you’ve sunk into SEO—if your Google reviews suck, you’re toast.

The SEO Goldmine

You might be thinking, “How do a bunch of random opinions affect my business’s search ranking?”

Great question, Sherlock.

Google reviews are a major ranking factor in local SEO. The more reviews you have, and the better they are, the higher you’ll rank in the coveted Local Pack.

You know, that neat little box at the top of Google search results that showcases the best local businesses?

Yeah, you want to be in that box.

Read More: SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Trust and Social Proof

Ever wonder why you check Yelp before trying out a new restaurant? Or why you scroll through Amazon reviews before buying that “must-have” gadget?

It’s because people trust other people more than they trust businesses. Google reviews are the ultimate form of social proof. When potential customers see that real people had a great experience with your business, they’re more likely to trust you.

And trust, my friend, is the currency of the internet.

Creating a Google Business Profile: Your First Step to Getting Reviews

getting google reviews for my business - creating a google business account

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how to actually get those reviews, let’s make sure you’ve got your basics covered.

If you don’t have a Google Business Profile set up, you might as well be trying to drive a car without an engine.

Here’s how to set one up:

  1. Go to Google Business Profile: Head over to Google Business Profile and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Add Your Business: Follow the prompts to add your business information. Be sure to fill out every detail—address, phone number, website, business hours, and any other relevant info.
  3. Verify Your Business: Google will send you a postcard with a verification code. Enter that code to verify your business.
  4. Optimize Your Profile: Upload high-quality photos, write a compelling business description, and choose the right categories. Make your profile look as attractive as possible to potential customers.

Learn More: Build Your Brand Online

How to Make It Easy for Customers to Leave Reviews

So, you’ve got your Google Business Profile set up—congrats!

Now, let’s talk about how to actually get people to leave reviews. Because let’s face it, no one wakes up in the morning thinking, “I can’t wait to leave a Google review today!”

You’ve got to make it as easy as possible for them.

create google business profile

Generate a Review Link

The first step is to create a direct link that takes customers straight to your Google review page.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to Your Google Business Profile: Sign in and select your business.
  2. Click on “Get More Reviews”: You’ll see an option to generate a review link. Copy that link.
  3. Share the Link: Send it out via email, text, social media, or even put it on your business cards. The easier you make it for people, the more likely they are to leave a review.

Use QR Codes

You know what people love more than anything? Convenience.

That’s why QR codes are your best friend. Create a QR code that links directly to your review page and slap that bad boy on everything—receipts, flyers, even your storefront.

All customers have to do is scan it with their phone, and they’re instantly taken to your review page.

Read More: Importance of Online Reputation Management

Ask in Person

Remember when people used to talk to each other face-to-face?

It’s not a bad idea to bring that back.

If you’ve just provided stellar service, ask your customer directly if they’d be willing to leave a review.

Most people are happy to do it if you ask nicely—and maybe throw in a “pretty please.”

Engaging with Customers: The Secret Sauce to More Reviews

You can’t just set up your Google Business Profile, send out a few review links, and call it a day.

If you want to see those reviews roll in, you’ve got to actively engage with your customers. And no, that doesn’t mean sending them annoying follow-up emails every five minutes.

It means being present, responsive, and—dare I say—human.


📝 Which Review Request Method is Best for You? 🤔

1. How do most of your interactions with customers occur?

2. How comfortable are your customers with technology?

3. What is your primary business goal?

4. How often do you follow up with customers after a sale?

5. How likely are your customers to respond to a personal request for a review?


Respond to Every Review

Yes, even the bad ones.

When someone leaves a review, thank them for their feedback and respond thoughtfully. If it’s a glowing review, show your appreciation. If it’s a not-so-great review, address their concerns and offer a solution.

This shows potential customers that you actually care about their experience.

Follow Up Without Being Annoying

After a customer has had a chance to enjoy your product or service, send them a friendly follow-up email asking for their feedback.

Include your review link to make it easy for them. But—and this is important—don’t pester them.

A single, well-timed email is all you need.

Check Out: Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Let’s talk about what NOT to do when trying to get Google reviews.

Because nothing kills your online reputation faster than shady tactics.

Don’t Offer Incentives

Sure, it might be tempting to offer a discount or a freebie in exchange for a glowing review, but don’t.

Not only is it against Google’s guidelines, but it also cheapens the value of your reviews. If people find out you’re bribing customers for reviews, say goodbye to your credibility.

Avoid Fake Reviews

It should go without saying, but fake reviews are a no-go.

Google’s algorithms are pretty smart, and they’ll sniff out fake reviews faster than you can say “SEO penalty.” Plus, it’s just plain unethical.

Stick to real reviews from real customers.

The Long Game: Building a Reputation Over Time

Getting Google reviews isn’t a one-and-done deal.

It’s a long game that requires consistency, engagement, and a commitment to delivering great service.

The more you invest in your customer relationships, the more likely they are to leave positive reviews.

Consistent Customer Engagement

Keep the lines of communication open with your customers.

Whether it’s through email newsletters, social media, or face-to-face interactions, make sure your customers know you value their feedback.

The more engaged they are, the more likely they are to leave a review.

Monitor and Adjust

Keep an eye on your Google reviews and look for patterns.

Are there common complaints? Fix them.

Are customers raving about a particular product or service? Double down on it.

Use your reviews as a tool to continuously improve your business.

Learn More: Social Media Marketing Tips

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it—your ultimate guide to getting Google reviews for your business.

It’s not rocket science, but it does require some effort and strategy. Set up your Google Business Profile, make it easy for customers to leave reviews, engage with them consistently, and avoid common pitfalls.

Do all this, and you’ll see those stars start to stack up in no time.

And remember, at the end of the day, Google reviews are all about building trust. So, stop worrying about trying to please everyone, and focus on delivering the best damn service you can. The reviews will follow.

Now, get out there and start collecting those stars!

Related Reading: Build Your Brand Online

Additional Resources

For more in-depth guidance on how to boost your Google reviews and improve your online reputation, check out the following resources:

  • Get Google reviews - Google Business Profile Help
    • Source: Google Support
    • Overview: This official Google guide walks you through the process of requesting and managing Google reviews. It covers everything from creating a direct link for customers to leave reviews to best practices for responding to feedback. A must-read if you're looking to get started with Google reviews or improve your existing strategy.
  • 16 Easy Ways to Get More Google Reviews (with Examples)
    • Source: WordStream Blog
    • Overview: This comprehensive article from WordStream offers 17 practical strategies to increase your Google reviews. Whether you're new to Google Business Profile or a seasoned pro, you'll find actionable tips to help enhance your local search ranking and business reputation.
  • 18 Ways to Get More Google Reviews (with Examples)
    • Source: Hatch Blog
    • Overview: Hatch provides an insightful look into the importance of Google reviews for business growth. The article covers a variety of techniques, from using QR codes to engaging with customers on social media, to help you generate more reviews and improve your business's visibility.

If you're looking to supercharge your Google reviews and need expert guidance, reach out to the team at BlueTone Media.

We're here to help you navigate the complexities of online reputation management and ensure your business shines in local search results.

Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help your business grow!

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