FSU Veterans Business Outreach

Fayetteville State University's Veterans Business Outreach Center is on a mission is to advance the growth and commercial competitiveness of veteran owned small business enterprises through education and services. Working in concert with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the VBOC focuses on business development, technology deployment, and e-commerce. A laudable and sometimes challenging mission.
Bluetone media put some shine on this apple, for an organization with such a public face this can be a challenge too. Too much flare can come off tacky and blur the line between professionalism and hokeyness. We had to satisfy FSU's style guidelines in the same breath. The result? A tasteful blend of representing respectable institutions while providing an approachable interface for veterans embarking on the newest adventure in their lives.
As Carrie Fisher (the actress who played Princess Leia in Star Wars) once said;
"There is no point at which you can say, "Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap."
Onward and upward!