With today's announcement of Apple's new iPhone 5 and the potential announcement for the iPad mini in the future, you may be thinking "shut up and take my money!" and can't wait to use the iPhone 5's bigger screen, upgraded camera and such. However, for web developers and web designers this adds a little more work for us. "What work?" you may ask. Well, when you turn on your fresh new iPhone 5 and go to the Safari web browser and load BlueTone Media (your favorite website, I know) you expect to see a beautiful, sleek website (and you will), but a good amount of work is put into making that experience happen.
Picture by Kyle Wagner
The technical term for what we do to make that happen is "responsive web design". Basically, this means that we specify how a website looks when viewed on different devices, rather than building multiple sites to fit different screens. So its one site for every screen. A great example of this is The Boston Globe. If you go to this website using different devices like the iPhone 5 or the new iPod Touch, you can see how it caters to your screens (super cool, huh?). This is a fairly new way that us web developers build your websites and make things seamless for you guys. So the next time you are surfing the web on your mobile devices, just remember the love and care us web developers put into making that experience happen. You can thank us later!