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7 Ways to Improve Your Home Office

  BlueTone Media

With the uncertainty concerning the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), many of us have had to give up our daily routines and figure out how to do our jobs from home. Though it’s bound to take a little time to get adjusted to, working remotely can be fun and even help increase your productivity. Unfortunately without the right office space, working from home can quickly go from being a good experience to one that’s depressing and distracting.

Plus, since you probably don’t have the option of going to a coffee shop or cafe to mix things up a little, it’s that much more important to be working in a home office that you truly love. Since we’ve become experts in creating home offices that encourage productivity and cut down on distractions, we thought we’d share our knowledge with you! So without further ado, here are our top tips for creating a productive home office:

Make Sure You Have Enough Space
The size of your home office really depends on your needs. If most of your work is done at a desk and computer, a relatively small space will do. However, if you need space to lay things out, shelves/filing cabinets, or a spot for clients to sit when they visit, you’re going to need a larger room.

Add a Splash of Color
Color can help inspire you, make you feel more creative, and improve your overall mood. Painting is a quick and easy project that can help dress up your office and give you something to do while you’re stuck at home. Alternatively, you could opt for some light-colored or patterned wallpaper to bring a little extra color into the picture. Finally, hanging some pictures or even your kids’ artwork can be a great addition as well.

Keep it Clean
There’s nothing worse than working in a cluttered, disorganized space. While it can be tempting to avoid cleaning and let things pile up, you’ll be much happier if you keep things nice and tidy. To help you do this, consider investing in things like shelves, benches, and chests to help you keep things off your desk and neatly organized. If your office is a small one, try adding shelves close to the ceiling to provide storage space while creating the illusion of extra height.

Think About Your Layout
Believe it or not, the way a room is laid out can have a huge effect on your productivity. For example, if your office has a window but your desk is facing away from the window, you might be setting yourself up to feel more closed in and claustrophobic. Another example would be that having things spread out all over the room can make the space feel overwhelming and cluttered. Instead, try laying out your office in sections, with a space designated for each one of your everyday needs like meetings, brainstorming sessions, packing orders, etc.

Ideal home office design

Bring in Some Life
Plants can really help to liven up a space and make it feel homier. Plus, they produce oxygen and help keep your office air nice and fresh. If you’re looking for some low maintenance plants, cacti and succulents require very little water and minimal light in order to thrive. Ferns and ficus trees are two more excellent choices if you’re working with a larger space.

Get Your Technology in Order
You might need to invest in a few techy items if you’re not used to working at home. Obviously a computer is essential, but you might also need things like surge protectors or battery backups for your computer, or charging cables for any additional devices you may use to work. Finally, you may need to look into upgrading your internet speeds, depending on what kind of work you do.

Let There Be Light
Natural light can improve your mood and even helps to regulate your schedule and sleep cycle. Make sure you try to get as much natural light in your office as possible and consider pulling up the blinds or opening up the curtains while you work. If you don’t have a light, or the weather is dreary, try using some small table or desk lamps to brighten the room without the harshness of fluorescence.

In times like these, it’s more important than ever to do what we can to make ourselves happy and comfortable. So, while everything listed above should be a consideration when you’re creating your home office, nothing’s more important than making sure you create a space that you love. And remember, we’re here and working hard to continue to support our clients whenever they need us!

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